Saint-Brieuc Armor Agglomération

Mois du Numérique



Saint-Brieuc Armor Agglomération


  • Éditorial
  • Print design
  • Visuel
  • Design d’affiche



Coordinated by the Saint-Brieuc Armor Agglomération, the Digital Month is an annual event held in April across the 30 libraries of the Bay Libraries network. Its aim is to raise awareness among the youth of the territory about digital issues, with the theme of History for the 2023 edition. The festival's visual identity should reflect the theme's questioning and be used in information booklets, posters, etc.


Iconography of the Current Cultural Landscape

The first inspiration for the visual identity came from an analysis of the graphic and aesthetic codes of current pop culture, through a collection of visual objects from various trends — particularly from the music sphere Rap and Hip-Hop. Album covers feature mixes, insertions, distortions, and superimpositions of images from various graphic, historical, and temporal universes. The initial image is deconstructed to create something new, diverting the original meaning and encouraging a different interpretation. These types of visuals are commonly generated by software and tools for digital montage, processing, and image retouching

Visual Creation Accessible to All

Today, a smartphone and an internet connection are enough to tell a story through visual language. Social networks integrate photo editing features such as filters, stickers, scenery, and typographic messages, making image production easier than ever before. Images are now a communication and expression tool accessible to everyone, professionals, and amateurs alike. The accessibility of visual production through digital media is a second source of inspiration for the festival's identity.

Transcribing History into Images

The Saint-Brieuc municipal archives are a treasure trove of iconographic resources that testify to our territory's past. Free-to-use images are integrated into the project to evoke many dimensions of our local history — social, architectural, cultural, etc. They offer a fresh perspective on life moments from different periods.


Re-appropriating History

The event's graphic identity combines the three visual inspirations, applying the graphic codes of current music and digital culture to the raw material of archive photographs. The combination and montage of these resources create a graphic collection that will be at the heart of the event's communication objects.


The History We Write

The poster's visual shows a layered work where the strata of history are represented by the superposition of images that are almost tactilely discovered one under the other. The succession of images represents the dialogue of the past, present, and future that make history.

The freehand tracings are linked to the tactile dimension of the digital medium, on which we draw, leave a trace, reveal a previous image... Written by hand, #Histoire[S] suggests that everyone writes history, in their own way.


A Collective History

The visuals of the booklet bring together the graphic elements of local history. Here, the layered construction is a nod to the open application windows on a single screen. The visual is designed to resemble photo editing tools available on social media, integrating the idea of users' interventions through freehand drawings and scribbles that punctuate the pages. Like collaborative creations, the visuals could have been designed by users who drew inspiration from a shared history.

© Julie Chapalain
© Julie Chapalain

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Type in Use

  • Söhne Breit
  • Helvetica